Virtual Clarinet Ensemble
Sweet and simple this time with a shorter turn-around.
First, fill out the registration form below to receive your music. Then, watch and practice with the Guide Track and make a video of yourself playing your part. Click the “Send Your Video” button below to upload that video, and we’ll do the rest!
Important things to remember:
place the camera so we can see your hands and face, about three feet away
the room should be quiet and well-lit
wear a solid color shirt - please no patterns, graphics, or text
please be aware that your image will appear in the finished video of the ensemble, which will be shown on the internet
To upload your video, click the button below - it will take you to WeTransfer. Enter Katherine’s email address, then your email address. Click the + sign to add your video file to the upload, then you’re ready to “transfer.”
Recording Deadline - Monday, November 8