Virtual Clarinet Ensemble

Sweet and simple this time with a shorter turn-around.

First, fill out the registration form below to receive your music. Then, watch and practice with the Guide Track and make a video of yourself playing your part. Click the “Send Your Video” button below to upload that video, and we’ll do the rest!

Important things to remember:

  • place the camera so we can see your hands and face, about three feet away

  • the room should be quiet and well-lit

  • wear a solid color shirt - please no patterns, graphics, or text

  • please be aware that your image will appear in the finished video of the ensemble, which will be shown on the internet

To upload your video, click the button below - it will take you to WeTransfer. Enter Katherine’s email address, then your email address. Click the + sign to add your video file to the upload, then you’re ready to “transfer.”

Recording Deadline - Monday, November 8