Clinics / Group Instruction
Choose a topic, book a session, and start seeing results. Sessions are marked as best suited for middle and high school (ms & hs), community band (cb), clarinet choir (cc), and university (univ).
Reed Workshop - convince your reeds to behave better for you! (ms, hs, cb, & cc)
Woodwind Sectionals - better tone, better precision, better intonation… (ms, hs, cb, & cc)
Rhythm Bootcamp - less frustration for you, less confusion for them. (ms & hs)
Breathing Basics - interactive lecture/lab; “Good sound is indicative of good breathing.” - Arnold Jacobs (ms & hs)
Basic Muscle Care for Woodwinds - interactive lecture/lab; topics include relieving tension, preventing injury, and seeking help for an injury (cb, cc, & univ)
Masterclasses - a whole class benefits from watching a one-on-one lesson. (ms, hs, & cc)
Large Ensemble Clinics - have a fresh pair of ears catch what you’ve been missing or affirm to your group what you’ve said all along. (ms, hs, cb, & cc)
“I appreciate that when you come,
I can really hear a difference in the section.”
“This is one of my new favorite things to do! After the reed workshop, I went home and worked on all my reeds. I’ve regained reeds that I otherwise would have just thrown away. I made back the cost of the class just in the reeds I recovered!”
“After seeing how you work, any teacher would benefit
from having you in their classroom.”
“Oh my goodness, I hated this reed. Now, I can actually use it!”